Who's in the Video

My name is Jeff Garman. As a Navy Veteran, I have made it a point over the years to make sure that those who are eligible for a VA loan understand it enough to make an informed decision whether or not it is right for you. It’s a whole lot easier than you might think and a really awesome benefit that you have earned because of your service.
How The VA Home Loan Works
Jeff Garman talks about the VA Loan, how it works and what's the big benefit for you.
My name is Jeff Garman. As a Navy Veteran, I have made it a point over the years to make sure that those who are eligible for a VA loan understand it enough to make an informed decision whether or not it is right for you. It’s a whole lot easier than you might think and a really awesome benefit that you have earned because of your service.
So let me take about 30 seconds to tell you the basics of what you need to know and at the end, I’m gonna share something exclusive with you.
The VA Loan is simpler than you might think. And with very few exceptions, all members of the military (past and present) in good standing are eligible.
If you’re active duty, you can apply after 181 days of enlistment. If you are in the reserves or part of the National Guard, you will have to wait six years before you are eligible, but if you are called to duty then the standard 6 months applies (this time frame is reduced to 90 days during active wars.) If you are a veteran, then the same thing applies when you were active.
So what’s the big benefit of the VA loan? Well, you can buy a home with no money down. If you don’t know if you qualify and haven’t already gotten my FREE guide, I recommend doing that FOR SURE. There should be a button or link somewhere below this video where you can request that and it explains everything you need to know about being eligible.
Now, since you made it to the end of the video, let me share something that is relevant to you if you are actively looking for a home right now. With our Military Hero Program, you can save thousands of dollars in fees on top of paying no money down with the VA loan so you can actually afford even MORE house than before. This is something that is exclusive to Military Heroes USA and you won’t find it anywhere else, so if you’re interested don’t hesitate to call or click the “See If I’m Eligible” button now and we’ll help you right away.
And hey, if you already bought your home using your VA, no worries, but do me a favor and like and share this with someone that you think might benefit from this information and keep an eye on your inbox, follow us on Instagram @MilitaryHeroesUSA and Facebook.com/militaryheroesusa to stay in the loop.