Who's in the Video

My name is Jeff Garman. As a Navy Veteran, I have made it a point over the years to make sure that those who are eligible for a VA loan understand it enough to make an informed decision whether or not it is right for you. It’s a whole lot easier than you might think and a really awesome benefit that you have earned because of your service.
The Big Renting VS Buying Myth
Something to think about. Somewhere around this video, you will see a link or button to my free VA Homebuying guide. Download it because it walks you through the 6 key things you need to know to decide if this could potentially be the right decision for you.
Hey everyone, Jeff Garman here and I want to tell you a story about a Navy Sailor I met several years ago. His name was Josh and he was a Petty Officer 2nd class machinist mate. He was about 2 years into his first enlistment. Now Josh didn’t like living on the ship where he was stationed so he bought a really small camper and was living in it paying lot rent to the RV park he had it hooked up in. At the time, I thought that was interesting but couldn’t blame him because as a Navy Vet myself, I know what it’s like living on a ship in port. I mean any bed bigger than the 2-foot wide rack we had on the ship was a luxury.
When he told me this, I asked him why he didn’t buy something small and affordable using his VA. He said, “well I may not be here for very much longer and I don’t have any money to put down”. He also said he didn’t know where to start. So with a little mentoring, within about 3 weeks, he had found a small townhouse down the street and me and my team helped him use his VA eligibility to buy it with no money down and his mortgage payment ended up being lower than the lot rent he was paying at the RV park.
He kept the townhouse for the rest of his enlistment which was about 2 years and then sold it for a profit. When we spoke again about his next purchase, he told me that he actually almost lived for free for those two years because of the money he made when he sold it. Now, that might not be the case in every market, but this is one major reason to take a serious look at buying something at your current duty station instead of living on the ship, barracks or a camper.
As an active duty member of the military and as long as you have been active for at least 181 days, you can apply for a no money down VA home loan and other than the time in service requirement, there are only a few other requirements you need to buy. And never use the excuse, you won’t be here long enough. It is a great time to buy a home all over the country and in most cases buying a home in military towns are always good investments whether you sell when you leave that duty station or rent it out. On top of that, through the Military Heroes USA program, you can save thousands in fees through working with our realtor partners and afford even more house that way.
Something to think about. Somewhere around this video, you will see a link or button to my free VA Homebuying guide. Download it because it walks you through the 6 key things you need to know to decide if this could potentially be the right decision for you.
And when you think you’re ready to get started, you can apply at militaryheroesusa.com by clicking on ‘See if I’m Eligible’ or just call 1-866-356-0906 anytime and speak with me or someone on my team and we’ll answer all of your questions and get you going.
And hey, if you already bought a home, then like and share this information with someone who you think might benefit. Thank you for your service and have a great day!